Quicken your website’s performance by using a USA Linux Semi-dedicated Server.

At XtreemHost, you will be able to benefit from our USA Linux Semi-dedicated Servers. They are an exceptional mixture of web hosting accounts and Linux dedicated servers hosting. They give the capabilities of a dedicated server but do not require any maintenance responsibilities and excessive month to month charges. And also, your semi–dedicated server is going to be located in our state–of–the–art USA based datacenter at the heart of Chicago, Illinois.

Using the Linux semi-dedicated hosting hosted in the USA based datacenter, you can easily benefit from really good connectivity and power options the data center offers. We’ve furthermore created our own internal network working with exclusively enterprise–grade hardware components from Juniper. By doing this, we can ensure a 99.9% network uptime with each and every USA Linux Semi-dedicated Server.

Our USA Linux Semi-dedicated Servers offer our absolutely free XtreemHost Control Panel , which has been designed to be operating 100’ inside the cloud. This way, you can use the Control Panel, but your semi–dedicated server doesn’t have to actually commit any resources to power it. The full power is allocated to your online presence only. Another great thing about the XtreemHost Control Panel is the fact that it’s full of completely free site building tools that can noticeably improve the overall performance of your website. As an example, you are able to make the most of our selection of website accelerators that activate client–side caching and which can help you boost your website. You can use our real time statistics tool, which will begin amassing stats immediately the moment your website gets online. Plus, no setup work is required on your side.

Other US Hosting Services

The USA based datacenter delivers loads of web hosting alternatives for all customers with regards to the sites and web applications they would like to run. With us you will find USA Web Hosting for everyone who is willing to host a personal blog, portfolio or perhaps an e–commerce store. Our cloud hosting packages feature a 99.9% network uptime guarantee along with a academy domain name for just $30.00. If you need to start a development environment or you have to have additional resource quotas for your web presence, then you could opt for our USA Linux Virtual Private Servers. Our Virtual Private Servers come with a collection of Control Panels and feature amazingly fast operating NVMe drives. If you need a new location for any popular web site or a very CPU requiring web app, you could opt for any one of our USA Linux Dedicated Hosting Servers. They feature efficient hardware parts and deliver a 99.9% network uptime guarantee.