A domain is an easy-to-remember and distinctive web address which you are able to get for your web site. It designates a numeric IP address that is used to distinguish sites and devices on the Web but it is much simpler to remember or share. Each domain name contains 2 parts - the name that you select and the extension. For instance, in domain.com, “domain” is known as Second-Level Domain and it is the element you have the option to pick, while “.com” is the extension, that is referred to as Top-Level Domain (TLD). You can buy a new domain through any accredited registrar organization or move an existing one between registrars in case the extension allows this function. This kind of a transfer does not change the possession of your domain name; the thing that changes is the place where you are able to control that domain name. The majority of the domain name extensions are open for registration by any kind of entity, however numerous country-code extensions have particular prerequisites like local presence or an active company registration.

Domain Registration/Transfer in Web Hosting

With our shared web hosting packages, you're able to register as many domains as you'd like and manage all of them effortlessly. Our company is a partner of an ICANN-accredited registrar enterprise for a variety of domain extensions, which allows us to provide fast and reliable registration services. For various other extensions we collaborate with some of the largest companies out there and because of this, you can register domains with more than 50 extensions through your web hosting Control Panel. In case you get your account through us and you have domain names registered in another place, you'll be able to transfer them and manage them effortlessly in one place together with your web hosting space. Renewals, Whois Privacy Protection, and tailor-made domain records are just a few of the solutions that you will be able to access for any of your domains with just a few clicks using our feature-rich Domain Manager tool.

Domain Registration/Transfer in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you choose to register your new domain name after getting a Linux semi-dedicated hosting from our company, you'll have more than fifty extensions to select from, both country-code and generic ones. For many of them, we're an accredited registrar, which enables us to provide instant registration solutions. For others, we partner with some of the biggest companies on the web market. When you already have domains via another company, you are able to transfer them here and control them in one place with your semi-dedicated account. Since some extensions have special conditions to be registered or moved, we will help you through the process up till your website is functioning on our end. We'll also supply you with an advanced Domain Manager tool, through which you're able to order/renew domains, acquire Whois Privacy Protection for them, make tailor-made records, manage the WHOIS contact information, and a lot more.

Domain Registration/Transfer in VPS Web Hosting

When you acquire a virtual private server plan through our company, you'll also be able to register a new domain for your prospective website during your account acquiring process. In case you're looking for more domain names, you can get them in bulk through your VPS Control Panel at a later time. Depending on your target country and the type of your websites, you will be able to choose from 50+ different domain extensions and then register names with the ones that will match your needs perfectly. Your brand new domains will be available on the web almost instantly because we are an accredited registrar for most of the extensions plus we work with the largest registrars for the rest. If you wish to host domain names that are registered elsewhere, you might as well shift them over and handle them in one location with your VPS account. On our end, you'll have full control over them, including DNS control, which is a service that various other providers offer at an extra charge.

Domain Registration/Transfer in Dedicated Servers Hosting

We support a number of country-specific and generic domain extensions, so that you can acquire a brand new domain name together with your dedicated server or move a current domain and manage it along with the hosting plan. In the event you need additional domains, you're able to get them in bulk via the server’s billing Control Panel and you can select from more than 50 different TLDs from all over the world. Since a number of extensions have certain pre-registration conditions, we will assist you with the process up until all of your domains go online, and generally, this takes only a few minutes since we work with an ICANN-accredited registrar. With our innovative Domain Manager tool you will have full control of your domains - set up custom-made records, acquire Whois Privacy Protection, edit the WHOIS information, and much more.