The 2 most popular good reasons to get a hosting server of your own are if a shared Internet hosting account cannot cope with the load of the websites hosted within it or if the Internet sites demand particular software to be running on the machine, but it cannot be installed on a shared machine. In these scenarios you can get your own server, but this entails that you'll be responsible for its maintenance, which isn't so with a shared Internet hosting server where the hosting company does everything. In this light, we've designed a Managed Services upgrade, which could be added to any one of our hosting server plans if you do not have the time or the capabilities to manage your machine. Our system administrators will set up and troubleshoot software, update your OS plus much more as to provide you with the chance to concentrate on building your sites instead of dealing with various maintenance tasks.

Managed Services Package in VPS Web Hosting

The Managed Services upgrade is available for each virtual private server which we offer and if you'd like to benefit from this additional service, you could add it with a couple of mouse clicks when you sign up or at a later point in time from your virtual private server billing area. The upgrade can be renewed once a month, so you can decide if you'll use it constantly or only once in a while if you need it. It provides various things that shall make the management of your server easier - a weekly backup of the entire VPS irrespective of how much space you have used, regular tracking of the running processes and rebooting if needed, weekly Operating System updates for better security and performance, and installation and troubleshooting of third-party programs. In this way you can make use of the full capacity of a virtual web server without needing to worry about the technical part because we will help you with any challenge which you may face.

Managed Services Package in Dedicated Servers Hosting

The upgrade is available with all of the Linux dedicated servers hosting we offer and if you would like to benefit from all services it includes, you can add it with a click on the hosting server order page or every time you need it from your billing Control Panel. You could also determine if you shall employ this upgrade continuously since it can be renewed separately from the dedicated hosting server plan. In case you have important info on the server, we shall back it up regularly as fifty Gigabytes of disk space on a separate machine shall be at your disposal. Our administrators shall also keep track of the server constantly, install the latest updates for its Operating System and reboot it every time this is necessary. Since the Managed Services pack includes installation and troubleshooting too, they can also help you with any third-party software and handle the installation for you. This will permit you to use our machine even if you aren't very tech-savvy and you haven't used a server of your own before.