PHP is among the most commonly used general-purpose server-side scripting languages. It is extremely popular as it is free software, which can be used to create responsive sites like community websites, web stores or online teaching websites rather than static HTML-based websites. A PHP module must be present on the web server where a PHP-driven site is hosted so that its PHP code can be ‘decrypted’. Because there are no license taxes for this type of module and the language itself offers infinite options for the Internet apps that you create, there’re 100s of millions of PHP websites. Besides, there’re a ton of open-source PHP scripts, which you can use for your websites without the need to possess any coding capabilities. Considering the fact that there are several PHP versions, you have to confirm if the very same version that you used whilst developing your website is enabled on the web server as well.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Web Hosting

Our web hosting servers support several versions of PHP, so your websites will work without any problem even if your scripts are out of date. We accept the fact that an old website does not inevitably imply an insecure one as you may have implemented a lot of modifications to its source code. That is the reason why we support PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 and you can select which one will be active for your web hosting account. You can change the version with one click of the mouse from your Hepsia Control Panel and the new settings will be applied right away. In case you want to run both newer and older scripts, there’s even a possibility to use a different version of PHP for each of your domain names simultaneously.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting

It’s our staunch opinion that years spent creating a site should not go down the drain, so in case you order a semi-dedicated server from our company, you’ll be able to run any script, irrespective of whether it’s new or old. In stark contrast with many web hosting providers, we support a number of different PHP versions on our advanced cloud web hosting platform – 4, 5 and 7. Not only will you be able to activate the version that you need through your Hepsia Control Panel, but you will also have the opportunity to choose a different version for each individual website. This can be done simply by putting an .htaccess file into the root directory of the given site. You can change the current version not only for a single website, but also for the whole account and the new settings will take effect in less than several minutes. With our web hosting services, you can rest assured that you won’t ever stumble upon any site incompatibility obstacles.