Increased CPU quotas

Significantly more power for your applications and sites

The Linux semi-dedicated servers give you a more significant portion of the main server's processing power in comparison with normal shared hosting accounts where you share this essential server resource with a large number of clients. This will certainly release considerably more operating power for your resource-intensive websites that have to accept a greater amount of visitors. In addition, this could minimize any eventual service disruptions that might occur in case you go over the low CPU allocations on a normal hosting account.

Increased CPU quotas

Increased MySQL queries

Host active MySQL tables without problems

Because of the modern server partition technology put together by our admins, we can easily allocate an abundant number of database queries to your websites. This can help you keep dynamic sites with sizeable databases that’ll be frequented repeatedly by a great number of users. If you have a busy database powered site that is growing on a regular basis, it is recommended that you consider migrating to a Linux semi-dedicated server before you start going over the limits on your shared website hosting system.

Increased MySQL queries

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

We are working with a world-class data center facility found in downtown Chicago, Illinois. It provides all of the conditions that we need to utilize our customized internal network with its custom equipment setup. The data center also has an outstanding help crew on duty around the clock to keep track of the web server network and offer on time assistance in crucial circumstances.

It’s also important to note that the USA based datacenter boasts fantastic network connectivity with the entire world. This guarantees top website loading rates for all web sites and apps running on our US Linux semi-dedicated servers.

USA Data Center

Control Panel

All the handy site controls that you desire in a single place

Take care of all of your sites with a simple click of the mouse applying our custom–built user–friendly Application Installer. It offers you a drag & drop File Manager, an all–embracing Domain Name Manager for all your domains (you might change your WHOIS information and name servers, lock/unlock and mask all of your domains, activate custom DNS records, etcetera), an effective E Mail Accounts Manager (you can forward your messages, turn on anti–spam shielding and SPF protection, set up autoresponders and email filters, and so on), a Databases Manager for administering multiple MySQL/PgSQL databases, an accurate statistics interface as well as countless reliable tools.

Control Panel

24x7 Support

Write to us day–and–night

You can email us twenty–four–seven with any concerns that you might have about our Linux semi-dedicated hosting. Do not hesitate to write to us by using e–mail and via the ticket system and we’ll respond to you in about 60 min. Actually, our average answer period is below 20 min. On working days, you can give us a call or use the online chatting program on our online store.

24x7 Support

Faster Performance

Your sites will now load a lot faster

Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting offer a much faster overall performance for your sites. The network bandwidth has been boosted to ten Gigabits so as to better the networking connectivity and to make all of your sites load much faster. Spare servers have been included to streamline server management operations and to minimize troublesome service interruptions and downtimes. The semi-dedicated hosting use NVMe disks, which are significantly more long–lasting and speedier than the regular hard drives put to use by a lot of hosting providers.

Faster Performance

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Security–enhanced Linux–type servers

Our servers are using a safety–increased Linux release, which makes them more than trustworthy and balanced. We have put in a whole lot of hours and efforts in setting up a safe system that has the full potential survive massive hacker or DDoS attacks without leading to disorders to the web hosting system and jeopardizing your site’s effectiveness.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security