Multiple Data Centers

Web hosting services on three different continents

Our web hosting network spreads across several continents – America (the Colohouse datacenter facility in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.), Europe (UK Servers datacenter in Coventry, UK, the Ficolo underground data center in Pori, Finland and the S3 data center in Sofia, Bulgaria) and Australia (the Amaze datacenter in Sydney). This suggests that, regardless of where you actually live, you’ll be able to pick a data center facility that’s closest to your target web site visitors. Doing so, you’ll guarantee the quickest attainable web site load speeds for them. You can pick out your datacenter facility any time with a single click of the mouse on the order page.

Multiple Data Centers

Web Accelerators

The Web Site Accelerators (Memcached, Varnish and Node.js) available in the web hosting Control Panel, could significantly increase the loading speed of your dynamic websites.

They’re designed to cache the data on your websites and thus reduce the number of requests to the database server or the API. This will help all your websites load way faster than ever before and will allow you to draw more happy visitors, which means lower bounce rates.

Web Accelerators

Scripting Support

Perl. PHP. Python. PostgreSQL. MySQL

Build a PHP–based website. Create a Python application. Use the power of more than 9000 Perl modules. Keep your data in MySQL or PgSQL databases. Set up InnoDB tables. Enable remote MySQL database connections. You can do all that plus much more with any of the web hosting plans that we are offering. There aren’t any extra costs – everything is included in your plan right from the start.

Scripting Support

True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

At XtreemHost, we are proud of offering you an authentic web hosting platform – every service is run on an autonomous web hosting hosting server, so that all your websites will invariably open instantly even if the system is under excessive load. This cloud hosting system was developed entirely by us with scalability and stability in mind, and is backed up by a ninety–nine point nine percent uptime guarantee.

True Cloud Platform


A safe and secure web app firewall software

All our web hosting plans include ModSecurity automatically. ModSecurity is a little Apache module that does a vital job – it functions as a web app firewall program, efficiently defending all your sites against hacker attacks. What is even more everything happens automatically, without you having to modify or tweak anything. Your websites will become shielded as soon as you host them with us.


99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A 99.9 percent network uptime is guaranteed

At XtreemHost, we provide a 99.9 percent network uptime warranty. This means that, rain or shine, your web site will be available online and people will be able to visit it. All this is possible thanks to the custom–built web hosting system that we’ve developed. It is based on a considerably tweaked version of SELinux (Security–Enhanced Linux) in order to ensure highest uptime for all cloud web hosting clients.

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

NVMe Drives

Momentarily boost the speed of your site

If you wish to give your website a speed boost, all you have to do is just to host it with us. All our web hosting machines are equipped with NVMe disks, so on every single physical server you will take full advantage of unprecedented read ’n’ write speeds, which will make your site unbelievably fast.

Thanks to the superb online connectivity provided by each of our cloud web hosting Datacenter Facilities, your site will begin working considerably faster without any need for any modifications from you.

NVMe Drives

Domain Manager

Multi–domain management done right

With the XtreemHost Control Panel, you’re no longer limited to have just 1 domain. You can manage one or one hundred domains in the very same simple and convenient way. We have also included a few other helpful tools, which will permit you to park, redirect and Whois Privacy Protect your domains or to add custom DNS records. Having each one of these domain administration options in one location will save you lots of time and energy.

Domain Manager

Data Backups

Ever lost your website content? Do turn to our backup service

Once published on the net, your site content is generally unprotected to hack assaults. Alternatively, it can be affected even by your very own unintended actions. Select us and, there’s nothing to worry about, because we maintain a backup copy of your web site content, which will be retrieved any time you’d like. Additionally, you’ll be able to create manual back–up copies of your entire web site with a simple click of the mouse at the File Manager, which is integrated into the Control Panel. The system will successfully restore all of your website files and will copy them into an archive, which will be kept in your account.

Data Backups

  • Service guarantees

  • XtreemHost’s plans come with no set up charges as well as a 30 day refund warranty. XtreemHost’s common response time frame is usually 20 minutes.
  • Compare our prices

  • Take a quick look at the instruments and characteristics provided by all of our web hosting packages. You can start with a smaller plan and upgrade with simply a mouse click when your site evolves.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Contact Us

  • We’re available for you in business hours to reply to any sort of requests in relation to our cloud web hosting service.